
Friday, July 8, 2011

If You Don't Know Me By Now . . .

I came across this note I did on Facebook a few years ago - you know, one of the ones where you have to give 25 random facts about yourself and then tag people for shiggles? I'm confident those little chain "notes" are only useful on Facebook because so many people have friends who they couldn't pick out of a lineup because they don't know them. At all. Not even a little bit. The thing is, I'm SO not one of those people. It totally skeeves me out to think about all these randoms flipping through my personal photos and possibly rubbing one out to a perfectly innocent scene of me and ten of my prettiest girlfriends in skimpy bikinis in the Bahamas. Okay, so that was a really detailed (and slightly conceited . . . and more than slightly dramatic) figment of my imagination, but it could definitely happen. Remember that gross gay I told you about, creepin' on adolescent boys' Facebook pages? You remember, right? With the murse? Well, if HE exists, I'm POSITIVE that there is an equally gross heterosexual who lurks on random women's Facebook pages, dreaming of the day he can fulfill his sexual predator fantasies in some deserted, dark, alley somewhere. No thank you, stranger danger. I would like to very politely "Ignore" your Facebook friend request and continue on with my life in which I have no knowledge of your existence. Thanks.

Wait. Where was I going with that? Oh yeah, the 25 random things. So, I came across this note I did a couple of years ago (even though I know all of my FB friends and they know me), and I thought I would share it with you, my readers. Add this to the short list of "getting to know me" posts I've done. I tried to shorten it to 20 random things, to exclude facts that I have shared with you previously; sorry for any redundancy. I'll post the original list and show any additional comments in white. Enjoy!

20 Random Things About Becks

1. I have this weird obsession with vampires. I love them. I wouldn't mind being one. Not so much the drinking blood part, but the being super sexy and living forever part is pretty cool. Not sure if I would make a good one, though (see #2). I blame Ann Rice and whoever cast Interview With The Vampire. I mean, come on. I also blame L.J. Smith for writing The Vampire Diaries, and making me fall in love with Stefan and Damon when I was 8. No, really. 

2. I'm scared of the dark. Okay, okay. I know this makes me sound like a 5 year old child, but I really am. Not like sleep with a light on scared, like I was until college (you can stop laughing now)...but more like go to sleep with the TV on "sleep" scared. I just feel as though if someone was going to get me, they'd have the best opportunity in the dark. Chalk that up to my overactive imagination. I also had this weird confidence that if I had covers over me, then none of the monsters (or whatever I was scared of - it was actually more likely something realistic like the above-mentioned sexual predator, thank you very much) would be able to get me. Seriously. Stop laughing.

3. I love food. Seriously, I love it. All different kinds of food. I have this weird good food dance that I do when I'm eating something really good. I can't help it. When I'm eating, I think about what I'm going to eat next.

4. I know the words to pretty much every life. Okay, maybe that's a slight over-exaggeration, but I usually at least know the chorus or can hum the melody. I'm probably not the best person to road trip with, unless you don't mind someone singing along (out loud) with every single song on the radio. Think Heartbreak Kid. It's so bad that on one of our extended road trips, the hubs definitely tried to switch to a jazz station, or something of the sort. Luckily for me, they played jazz AND easy listening music . . . with words. Little did he know that the instrumental versions wouldn't have stopped me; I don't actually need the artist's vocals messing up the clarity of my tone. This girl doesn't need back up singers. Nobody puts Becki in a corner! 

5. I sniffle when I'm right, or even when I think I'm right, which is pretty much all the time (sorry, babe). I never noticed this obnoxious habit until a certain special someone pointed it out, and now it drives me to distraction! (Because I'm always right, remember?) I've tried to stop doing it, but it's impossible. Oh well, to know me is to love me. At least I have a wealth of knowledge to bring to the table. No?

6. I LOVE high heels. El-oh-vee-ee. The higher, the better. What's not to love? They make every woman's legs look s-e-x-y. Every woman should own a pair of really nice heels. I wear heels everywhere, to the point where if I walk around in flats too long, my back hurts. Weird, I know. I obviously wrote this before I got old. While I do still love high heels, I now also carry a pair of more sensible, flat shoes for long treks anywhere. Except for when we went to NOLA for my birthday, and my idea of sensible shoes was a pair of gladiator sandals with no arch support. Right.

7. I like to watch movies with the captions on. I've come a long way. I used to watch all television with the captions on, too. I attribute this habit to one of my best friends from college, who watched everything with the captions. It used to annoy me to no end . . . then I got used to it. It was especially helpful back when they still played music on all of the music television networks, and I wanted to keep up with the latest hot songs so I could sing along in the clubs while shaking my tailfeather. I like not missing any dialog. It annoys a lot of people, but I've decided that's because they don't read fast enough to keep up.  

8. My name is Rebecca, and I am a shopoholic. Not a shopoholic like put myself into irreversible debt, shopoholic...but I probably could if I wasn't so practical about money. I love to shop; it doesn't even necessarily matter what for. It's my retail therapy. Shopping is usually the only thing that makes me feel better when I'm down. There's just something about buying something new that lifts my spirits.

9. I partied with Snoop Dogg once in Gainesville. And by partied, I mean that we ______ a lot of ______. Or something to that effect. You fill in the blanks; I can't really remember the details. Shout out to Sigma Epsilon Chi, Spring 2000!! Good times. Don't go looking for our sorority charter or anything - we're a secret organization. Like the Skulls. Membership is very exclusive. All apologies.

10. Since I moved out of my parents' house, I have had a total of 17 roommates. Seriously. I can't even remember all of their names. That has been really over a period of 5 years, because I have lived by myself since 2004. Some of them were godawful. I had this roommate once who used to get in the kitchen and make the stink nastiest creations for her to eat. Thinking about it makes me want to vomit. Another one used to borrow my clothes all the time without asking, and then put them back into my closet without cleaning them. Ugh. She was a major dirty. I have definitely had more roommates since I posted this original note. Well, if you count the hubs as a roommate. I don't, because I wouldn't wash a roommate's dirty underwear. But, whatever.

11. I am obsessed with the Food Network. It's usually the first thing I turn on in the morning. There's just something satisfying about watching it. They always make cool stuff. I heart Paula Deen and Giada deLaurentis. Although I am still obsessed with FN, I told you, I have moved on a bit to Animal Planet. They have some of the coolest programming! I watched some show where this guy lived in the pjs (the projects, for those of you that aren't caught up on your slang) in Harlem, and he had an adult male tiger living with him as a pet. A TIGER. In the projects of Harlem. SWAT had to propel from the roof and shoot tranquilizer darts through the window in order to capture the tiger. I'm not making this stuff up, folks.

12. I can be a pretty obnoxious drunk. I like to talk, but I love to talk when I'm drunk. I try not to let drunk Becca out of her cage, because I usually wake up in the morning with a wicked headache and some sort of embarrassing story. When I'm drunk, I also repeat myself a lot. Whether it's "I have to pee" or "I wanna go home" over and over at the end of the night, it's pretty much going to be repeated about 100 times...incessantly. Can't help it, don't even know I'm doing it.

13. I L-O-V-E the Gators. Gator football is the only sport I truly enjoy watching. I think Tim Tebow is the best. Doesn't everyone? Please don't answer that, husband of mine. I obviously wrote this back when Tim Tebow was walking on water for the Gators. He's gone now. We've got the stats to prove it. But I still love my Gators! This Florida girl bleeds orange and blue.

14. I hate being cold. I've even considered buying myself one of those Snuggies that they're advertising on TV now. Ironically enough, I also hate being hot. Sweating is so not cute. Uh . . . yeah. I definitely now have a Snuggie. To be fair, I didn't buy it for myself; I got it for Christmas from my mom. She also paid a few extra bucks and got me some luxurious micro-fiber version that I actually just use as a blanket. So for all that, I probably could have just purchased another throw. Again, what-ever.

15. I love words. Big ones, weird ones, ones that are fun to say. I have a big vocabulary, and I'm not afraid to use it!

16. I just saw snow fall for the first time last month in Houston (2008). It was awesome. I acted like a little kid, and the hubs got it all on video. Big surprise, lol.

17. I love purple eyeshadow. I read somewhere that purple is the only color in the rainbow that complements every complexion.

18. I don't drink coffee. At all. Hate it, in fact. I've tried it twice in life, once when I was little, and the second time not so long ago. Still hated it. I don't like the smell of it, and it amazes me that people can actually drink it every day. Bleh. I much prefer chai tea or a green tea latte.

19. I can be such a dork. The littlest things amuse me, and I chuckle to myself constantly every day. I also have this habit of talking to myself. I think it has something to do with not having any siblings in the house when I was growing up.

20. I have this aversion to large crowds. I don't like people I don't know touching me, and I have this irrational fear that something bad will happen just as I am in the middle of a large crowd and have no clear escape route. I'm not socially inept. I can be in a large crowd, I just don't necessarily enjoy it.

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