
Friday, July 1, 2011

Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better.*

It seems that there is finally a declared victor in the age old battle of the sexes. Time Magazine posted an article a couple of days ago, entitled simply, "Why Women Are Better at Everything." Uh, hello! Finally! I'm pretty sure I've been trying to convince my husband of this cold, hard, fact for the entire six years I've known him (much to his chagrin).

"What's the problem with men? 'There's been a lot of academic research suggesting that men think they know what they're doing, even when they really don't know what they're doing,' John Ameriks, the author of the Vanguard study, told the New York Times."

*blink blink blink* No comment. 

Interestingly enough, scientists believe that this advantage that women have over men is due in part to biology. Apparently, men's testosterone levels surge, affecting their willingness for risk-taking and also gives them "an attitude of infallibility." Lucky for us [superior] women, we only have 10% of that testosterone, i.e., we don't have those same primal, barbaric urges that drive us to do dumb stuff. We're just sweet, nice to look at, smell pretty, and gently guide the men in our lives in the right direction when they mess up.** Because hey, that's what we're here for. Sure, Eve allegedly ate the apple from the forbidden tree. But probably only because poor Adam was hungry and couldn't fend for himself. Somebody had to do it. I mean, just look at lion prides.*** The lionesses do all the hunting and the real work . . . and the lions (king of the jungle, my ass) just lay around and sleep all day. So today, ladies, we celebrate ourselves, each other, and just overall girl power! Because anyway you look at it, girls rock. And like it or not, we're always #WINNING.

*Okay, guys. Be warned this is a very girl power oriented post. Read at your own risk of feeling slightly inferior. Please don't take offense! The content was written very tongue-in-cheek and meant simply to elicit laughter. I'm not male bashing. Too much testosterone or not, we still love you. Somebody's got to. ;)
**Oh yeah, and we don't do things like burp or go #2. Because that's not very ladylike, and we're the image of perfection.
***I have a small confession. I have this new found obsession with Animal Planet, so don't be surprised if a lot of random animal references pop up from here on out. I'm kind of an expert. Thanks.


  1. Whatever. Fend for yourself next time you need me to open something or make a decision. Women: better at everything except sports, stand up comedy, building stuff, science, math, captaining rocket ships, etc. :p

  2. Don't be mad at me, be mad at Time Magazine! Haha I didn't write the article; I just commented on it. Men are good at science and math because they only think with one side of their brain. I'm mad this is the only blog post you've felt passionate enough to comment on. Haha keep your misogyny to yourself, dear. :x

  3. What's the female version of misogyny? I'm pretty sure this post is it. :x BTW a chick wrote this article.
