
Thursday, June 30, 2011

"Tambo liteh sette mo-jah! Yo! Jambo jambo!"*

As I'm wrapping up my current job before the upcoming move, there's a laundry list of things to get done before my last day, one of which is going through and cleaning out my inbox. Well, in doing so, I came across one of my funnier email exchanges with a friend of mine. I thought that I should share, in the hopes that you appreciate our ridiculously immature sense of humor as much as we do.

To give you a quick back-story, this email chain was inspired by an interesting article that I'd seen on a friend's Facebook page that morning (because every day after my alarm goes off thrice (give me a break - I only allow myself two snooze hits), I roll over, grab the ol' crackberry, and catch up on my social media . . . with one eye open), about the average penis size of every country. Obviously, it piqued my interest.** View the stats for yourself here. You know you want to. I won't judge . . . much.

Anywho, to make a long story longer, I found some of the numbers (specifically the high and low benchmarks) SO interesting, I thought I should pass on the fun-filled facts. My friend T and I chatted about the details over lunch (which resulted in fits of giggles, as per yoojh) . . . and I followed up the conversation with an email, which led to the following email chain (Uh...yeah. You're obviously going to want to click the pics to enlarge. I'm 99.99% sure that it's worth it. Unless your sense of humor sucks. In which case, I'm really not overly concerned with you thinking this is funny, because you very likely don't think anything I have to say is funny, and if that's the case, we should part ways here. Beat it. Now that that's over with, shall we get to the laughs? Thanks.):


Hahaha! Gets me every time. Also, I know T mentioned it, but let me again point out the usage of the upper and lower case p's to further indicate the size. What you can't tell from these tiny little thumbnails is that in the original emails, the p's are true scale representations. That's right, folks. I got out my ruler and made sure that the diagrams were accurate. How else would T have a reliable reference point? Anyway, I hope you got as much of a kick out of that as we did. We incidentally both forwarded the chain to our personal email addresses for a rainy day.

*Gold star if you can get the song reference in the title of this post! For those of you wondering, it's not a real language. The singer made it up himself. Promise. So, I figure this line can mean whatever I want it to mean. My prerogative. Another 80's song reference! I'm on a roll. Anyway, the actual title of the song I referenced was just another little tongue-in-cheek tie-in for you other 80's babies and/or trivia lovers.  

**It's not like I'm a big perv or anything, I just thought it was an attention-grabbing topic. It's kind of like the naked African women in National Geographic with the face tats and huge, saggy boobs. You're not turned on by the sight, but it's still interesting. 

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