
Monday, May 2, 2011

Dear Osama bin Hidin’… Run Tell Dat, Homeboy.

Wow. Pretty eventful weekend, eh? First, the Royal Wedding (snicker)…then, Saif Al-Arab Gaddafi was killed in a NATO air strike (I’m assuming they meant to hit Muammar, but apparently, his son and grandchildren were good enough)…and finally (in more ways than one), President Obama announced last night that after almost ten years, Osama bin Hidin’ was killed in a covert ops mission in Pakistan.*

As per usual, President Obama swaggered up to the mic (I'm convinced that Geto Boys' "Damn It Feels Good to Be A Gangsta" is his mental theme song in life) and eloquently delivered staggering news to the American people, and emphasized (like a G) that he was the one responsible for making the call. I like how he even brought up good ol’ W – to low-key remind people that even though his predecessor wasn’t able to take care of business…he’s got this. He stepped in, grabbed the reins, and handled that shit. In two years, Obama did what Bush couldn’t seem to do in eight. (Although I’m sure the Republicans will say that it was like an opening an extra tight lid on a jar of jelly – Bush just loosened it for him, right? Riiiight.)

…and then the celebration ensued. This almost feels like a bittersweet ending to a long, drawn out story. Almost ten years of build up and then it all ends in a gunfight? It’s a little anti-climactic for my tastes. I think I would have preferred some sort of fanfare and pomp and circumstance, where the Navy S.E.A.L.S. marched his terrorist ass through the streets of D.C. (or better yet, NYC) and let the American people toss stones and chunks of concrete and metal gathered from ground zero at his dejected, defeated body. Is that too much to ask? I know that shots were exchanged and the S.E.A.L.S. returned fire and he was inadvertently killed…but…I’m just saying…it would have made for a much more interesting ending. Instead, they tossed his ass into the sea? I’m just waiting for the wave of conspiracy theories to commence. (If you want to talk conspiracies, you should maybe read up on the first President Bush, the C.I.A. and their connection to bin Laden. Just a suggestion for some light reading that just might blow your mind.) Obama should probably keep some pictures of OBL’s body readily available in the drawer where he keeps his birth certificate. Oh well. I’m confident that if Tupac’s autopsy pictures were leaked so quickly years ago…with the developments in social media today, we won’t have to wait too long to see someone’s Facebook profile picture has been updated with a grainy mobile upload of a guy leaning over bin Laden’s body with a Koolaid smile and a thumbs up.  

Then there’s this little, tiny, part of me that wonders if all of America celebrating the death of this monster is the right thing to do. I mean, I know that he was a terrible person who was responsible for the death of thousands…but I still feel a little uneasy celebrating his death. It feels as though an entire nation rejoicing over the death of one individual makes us seem a little foolhardy. Yes, the death of Bin Laden symbolizes the end of an era of terrorism…but does it? I’m a little loath to be dancing in the streets over this just yet. Remember all of that footage after 9/11, allegedly showing the people of Afghanistan partying in the streets and how enraging that was? What if that’s how the Middle East interprets our joy over the death of OBL? Make no mistake about it; terrorists are serious in their plight against our culture and our country. Where one bin Laden dies, there is a new bin Laden in training to take over. OBL’s death closes one long chapter in an epic novel of global relations…but the story doesn’t end here. There are many chapters to come and many wars to be fought.

That said, in this moment, I don’t want to overshadow this obvious victory. I have to acknowledge that this is one step in the right direction and an immeasurable victory for America. It halfway validates the American lives that have been lost fighting a war that seems to have gone forever. I’d like to offer my appreciation to the troops and intelligence personnel who made this possible. Good job, guys. Way to get ‘er done.

To any remaining terrorists or dissidents that think they can eff with America, the death of Osama bin Laden sends a clear message: think again. In the words of Antoine Dodson,“You are really dumb – for real . . . We’re lookin’ for you. We gon’ find you; we gon’ find you. So you can run and tell that, run and tell that, homeboy.”

*On a lighter note, how much ass do you think Pres O got last night off this victory? We’re talkin’ championship ring ass; green jacket-wearing, Masters winning ass, war on terror goal crossed off the to-do list ass.

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