
Monday, May 16, 2011

Ta-Ta, Twenties.

So, in case you missed the memo, tomorrow is my birthday. My THIRTIETH birthday. I'm not really having the pre-birthday jitters. There's no third-of-the-way-through-life crisis to be had over here; in all actuality, I don't feel all that different. I guess as you get older, birthdays really do become just another day. I mean, I guess I'm looking forward to it...I'm definitely looking forward to the party part of it...but the getting older part, I could probably do without. Still, there's that little part of me (that apparently never grew up) that is looking forward to my special day - the one day a year where everyone puts up with all of my shit and is super nice and complimentary and tells me how pretty I look and gives me presents...all just because I was born on that day! It's a pretty sweet concept, you know? Truth be told, I love the idea of birthdays and everyone having a special day to celebrate themselves. I'm already daydreaming about the amazing, wonderful delights that I no doubt have in store for me tomorrow because not only is it my special day, but it's my THIRTIETH special day...IN LIFE! I've already informed the hubs (he's such a good sport) that it's time for us to synchronize our cell phone clocks so when our IT'S BECKS' BIRTHDAY! alarms go off at midnight, they go off at exactly the same time. How else will he be readily available to place the birthday girl diamond-studded tiara on my head the minute it turns my birthday, à la Lily, on How I Met Your Mother?? That girl really has the right idea on how to celebrate a birthday. So, instead of waxing poetic about how much I'm going to miss my twenties and all the things I've accomplished thus far and hope to accomplish in the future, I'll just leave you a visual so you can feel like you're there with me (and the hubs) at the stroke of midnight. My fingers are crossed for the Spanish guitar player and breakfast in bed. Well...maybe not the breakfast in bed part. I have enough trouble getting to work on time as it is (Um...hello...a girl has to look her best, right?). Until tomorrow, my dearies. I'll catch you in my thirties. xo

HIMYM clip found here because our stupid Websense blocks YouTube at work. Hmph.

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