
Friday, April 29, 2011

Extreme Grouponing

Okay - I'm just going to go ahead and jump right into today's post. This one is at the suggestion of one of my friends who also happens to be a Princess. In lieu of Royal Wedding coverage (which I refuse to do - surely you all got your fix from somewhere by now...although I would like to do a fashion police post on all of the finery...maybe tomorrow), I thought I would go ahead and humor her. Plus, it's pretty interesting.

Click here for some light reading...

For those of you who hate reading and/or following instructions, here's the a brief excerpt that pretty much summarizes the article in a nutshell.

"[Groupon's] website said late Thursday that it will pull its ads from the website of Donald Trump's television show 'The Apprentice' to distance itself from the 'political criticism' swirling around Trump and his presidential ambitions...enough consumers have contacted us to warrant ensuring that we don't place ads on the 'Apprentice' homepage in the future...It's the same reason we don't run deals on guns or abortion ... this isn't a political statement, it's avoiding intentionally upsetting a segment of our customers."

I have mixed emotions about this announcement.

First, can I say - I'm so glad that [most] Americans have a social conscience and refuse to validate The Douchebag Donald's ridiculous ranting and raving. The people have spoken! Good for you, America. Way to stick it to the man.

That said, I am a little confused over the statement that Groupon released. It's a little ridiculous, no? The same reason they don't "run deals on guns or abortion"?? Really?!, if they didn't think that a "segment of [their] customers" would be upset, Groupon would, indeed, offer delectable discounts on abortions (only in the 1st and 2nd trimesters; sheesh, they're not murderers) and AK-47's? I can just see the deals of the day now...

50% off of IUDs at your local county clinic!

Buy one automatic machine gun, get 3 magazines of bullets free! (must be 18+ years of age)

BOGO! Buy one abortion at regular price and get the second for FREE! (some exclusions may apply)

Not only was that a ridiculous statement, but it's incongruous; apples and oranges, people. Methinks the PR Department at Groupon needs to learn how to write a press release. It's not like they were offering deals on hotel stays at the various Trump hotels. They were paying for commercial time. So, in all actuality, it's more like how they don't run ads in monthly NRA publications, or at the local Planned Parenthoods. Right? I'm gonna go ahead and put it all out there: if that's the best official statement you could come up with to make youself seem ambivalent to this recent wave of political guerilla warfare bullshit diversion tactics <pregnant pause - if only Groupon had one of those abortion discounts right about now> you should probably expect that people are going to see right through that smoke screen.

C'mon, Groupon. You don't have to lie. Your entire staff probably consists of Generation X and Y'ers who all vote the Dem ticket. You know you're siding with Obama. It's ok; I am, too. Your secret's safe with me.

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