
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Oh Yeah?? At Least He Has His Own Hair. Eat That.

Uh. Canwejusttalkaboutdonaldtrumpforaminute?

C'mon! Look at the difference between the two. Look at the
head of hair on our Head of State! So lustrous and thick.
You mad about that too, Donald? You should be.
You look ridickaluss.*
I know, I know. I said very early on that I wouldn't talk too much about politics and it seems a little bit like it's all I've been talking about lately. But this new development in the apparent war against Obama really has my panties in a bunch. I guess now that The Donald is vying for a Republican nom, he feels it's an appropriate time to start making illegitimate accusations about the President?

Does ANYONE really care about Obama's GPA in high school? I know I don't. I can think of several people who didn't do well in high school, but did very well in college (and vice versa). I'm pretty sure Obama refusing to release his grades is inconsequential. I know I have no desire for people to see my college transcripts; and believe me, I'm no dummy. (I just partied a lot, okay? Don't judge me! And for the record, I now have a 4.0. Redeemed!) That shit is soooo inconsequential; people are not defined by their GPAs. I think it is incredibly transparent that Trump is just looking for some BS to hyperfocus on and direct attention away from the fact that we probably shouldn't entrust the welfare of our nation to someone whose corporation has filed for bankruptcy - what was it, three times? Right. He's obviously the best person to reduce our national debt. He'll just write it all off as a loss and start from scratch! It works like that, right? (Sorry, China. You'll probably never get your money if he's in charge.)**

Furthermore, I'm confident that ivy league schools don't just go around accepting students all willy nilly. I guarantee you, if Obama got in, it was no mistake. He didn't receive an acceptance letter by oversight. If your so-called friends (which I'm "thinking about and looking into" myself, because I find it hard to believe that he has very many friends) have such amazing sons with such academic excellence (and the proper breeding, no doubt) and they didn't get in...there's probably a reason. Seeing as to how birds of a feather typically fly together, I'm going to put it all out there and venture to say that maybe it's because they're douchebags. Just a thought. Additionally, since we're apparently questioning our presidents' educational downfalls - perhaps someone should have questioned the illustrious W's history. Can we see his transcripts and his high school GPA? I've often wondered how he was accepted into Harvard AND Yale. Oh, wait. George. W. Bush! Got it. I would imagine it's very lucky to have a spotless career in academia when your family is at the top of the socioeconomic food chain. No? 'Cause I'm pretty sure nepotism starts at the top. Perhaps Mister Trump missed the memo that just because you're born into wealth, doesn't make you smart; nor does it entitle you to the Presidency. Guess what, DT - poor people are smart sometimes, too. I know it's hard to believe [for people like you]; but it's true.

I think The Douchebag Donald should just get over Obama and focus on something worthwhile. Like...I dunno...Libya? Egypt? Japan? Shit, the Royal Wedding?! I'm certain that I would rather listen to Kate Middleton wax poetic about the color of her wedding dress or what it means to have Diana's ginormous engagement ring on her finger than to listen to DT talk shit about Obama - or anything else, for that matter. Period.

Hey,'re fired.

*The Obama pic came from here and that priceless little Trump snapshot came from here
**Another China name drop? Damn, it feels like I've been dick riding China these past few days. I'll do my best to refrain for at least a week. I don't want you to get the wrong idea; I'm no Commie.

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