
Monday, April 11, 2011

I'm Taking My Ball and I'm Going Home.

Good morning! Sorry I neglected you over the weekend, but I was super busy doing a whole lot of nothing. No, really. I had every intention of starting my 15 page paper that’s due in 3 days…but I got so preoccupied with being unproductive, that it seemed to slip my mind. Anyway, did you think I’d be able to let this whole “government shut down” thing go without adding my 99 cents? I know people typically say 2 cents…but I happen to think my opinion is more valuable than that. I mean, what can you buy for two cents? Nothing, that’s what.

Moving on…I typically try to avoid talking politics with people, because I find it's rather pointless. Before you overreact, let me explain. In my opinion, a personal political standpoint is a lot like sex - you should never force it on anyone. Too often, people get into long, drawn-out conversations that lead to nothing but frustration. I have no interest in debating politics with anyone, because I am intelligent enough to realize that I'm not going to be able to change anyone's mind about politics, or make them see my way. It is what it is.

That said; let me return to my point. Ah, yes. The government shut down.

Source: Me, Myself and I (created by me, for me)

When did legislation become such a pissing contest? It seems as though the two parties are so intent on not agreeing with each other about anything, that it clearly has slipped their minds that they are elected officials, and the people's interests (not their own) should be the highest priority.

5 Ways Being a Republican in the US Congress These Days is Like Being a Spoiled Child

1.   Every day is a new game of elephants vs. donkeys
2.   They do obnoxious little things just to be bratty (or “prove a point”)
3.   They draw a line on the floor and say "This side is ours; that side is yours. Don't cross the line. For any reason (especially even if it benefits the American people)!"
4.   They have no regard for deadlines (where else can you be months past a deadline in your job and it’s just okay??).
5.   They’re willing to shut down the government if they can’t get their way (effectually taking their ball and going home). Really? Just shut it down, huh? Brilliant! So about 800,000 federal employees would lose their jobs, military personnel wouldn't get paid, national parks would close, people wouldn’t get their tax refund checks...and the country just might fall apart at the seams, causing a mass exodus of epic proportions to occur, big deal. As long as the budget doesn’t include community development funds and government-subsidized healthcare, or educational programs that help low-income children attend private schools. That’s obviously what’s important here.

You know, in the spirit of catering to the GOP's every whim and fancy (not his fault, his hands are tied with that damned system of checks and balances), I think next time the two sides reach an impasse, President Obama should hold a dodgeball competition to come to a resolution. The last team standing wins. End of story. Wouldn't that be great? Pretty sure the younger, more virile Dems would come out victorious. Can’t you just see Nancy Pelosi now, with her 80s day glow sweatband and shiny spandex pants, nailing Eric Cantor with a ball to the head?

I love it! Team Donkey would definitely need to keep an eye on sleepers like John McCain, though. Let’s be real - if the man can survive in a war prison camp, he can certainly survive a light game of "finish the effing budget, already" dodgeball. All in all, a good idea, I think.

If you agree with my proposal, write to your President here. I think if he gets enough feedback from the American people, he just might make that happen. Maybe we can get this passed before the final budget is approved. Now THAT’S a change we can all believe in.

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