
Friday, April 8, 2011

Prologue to the Amendments

I was thinking the other day that I'm really liking this blog thing because it gives me an opportunity to get out all of the random stuff that goes on in my head [almost] every day. The only caveat to this whole process is that I kind of feel as though once it's done, it's done. Once I've blogged something, I've totally committed. That's it; all in. Especially if someone reads it before I can get it just right! I wish that I was one of those people who can write things and then save them as drafts and have a whole little arsenal of diamonds in the rough waiting to be spit-shined for your reading pleasure...but I'm just not one of those people. Alas, the primal need for instant gratification will not allow me to hold on to something long to enough to work out all of the kinks before I [over]share; I just can't do it! Whenever I have these random little thoughts, I'm bursting at the seams to share them with people and get their feedback. There's just something great about sharing a good belly laugh with a friend...or even a stranger.

Okay. I'm digressing again.

The point of this all is that even though I give in and post each blog almost immediately upon completion, the perfectionist in me insists on going back at least once at some point and re-reading. What's annoying (besides the typos) is that I often think of funnier ways to say things, or my original comment might inspire another funny that sets me off in a whole other stream of hilarity...and then I'm disappointed. Why didn't I think of that the first time? So to bring it all full circle, when I was thinking the other day about this new world of blogging, I went through the whole thought process of the few drawbacks and it occurred to me that this is MY world. I do what I want here! In the spirit of independence, much like our Founding Fathers reserved the right for our Federal government, I would like to reserve the right to change my mind and/or to add updates, new ideas and comments. I'm going to call them amendments. I'll make a deal with you. I'll leave all of the original content (with the exception of those blasted random typos) and just add any new things in different color font. I'll even do new amendment posts with links so you won't have to go back and search for it and you still won't miss out on any good stuff.

You know it's good.

Truth is, I'm really just starting to get my sea legs with this whole blogging thing. It's almost like writing a memoir; I think that's why it's so difficult to stick to any one tone. I'll figure it all out, eventually. But having the capacity to expand on ideas and just keep improving the content even after I've already committed makes this seem like a "memoir" with infinite possibilities. And for those of you that know me, I'm an infinite possibilities kind of girl.

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