
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Commentary This, You Say? Commentary This, I Shall, I Say.*

I am still quasi-personality-less this evening, as I have yet to recover from my brush with death sickness; however, I received this little teaser from my Aggie friend, Taryn (C/W), and couldn’t resist:

The link led me to a gallery of photos documenting the Lady Ags’ postseason stint. There were so many great action shots, showing those women powering through the Tournament…and there were so many great action shots that were just begging for captions.**

…Do I smell a challenge? I accept, my good friend! T, this one’s for you. (You’re my boy, Blue!) I’ll try to keep it to one caption per picture so this post doesn’t get any longer than it’s already destined to be…and heeeeere we go…


…I’m pretty sure she chose the blue pill.

That’s one small step for [wo]man; one giant leap for McNeese State...but yet, still not good enough. A for effort?

"Back up off me! I go hard in the paint and a gigantic knee brace to the gennies is not going to feel as good as my hand does right now. Trust me; I know."


"I’ll see your fist in my crotch and raise you a hand on your boob."

Look out, folks! It just went from the NCAA Tournament to the Quidditch World Cup awful quick-like. Shit just got real.

Well, that's all for tonight, kids. I'm about to go sip on some [fully legal, doctor prescribed, nothing-to-see-here-folks, just MIND YOUR BUSINESS] sizzurp and take my sick ass to bed.

Y'all come back now, ya hear?

*I know what you're thinking. "I thought she was sick!" Update on my bout with the ebola virus recovery/sickness for those of you that care (and for those of you that don't give a shit, but are very thorough readers that simply cannot pass up an asterisk footnote): I am still sick. I still have that run-over-by-a-truck feeling, but the good news is, I'm on the way to feeling better...I think. Seriously, it's been a week. If I don't get better soon, I may be forced to do something crazy. You hear me? Cra-zy. So fingers crossed for a [less than speedy, at this point - let's be real] recovery. 'Cause if that last digression is any indication, I'm already on my way to crazy.

**All photos courtesy of

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